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Criminal Tax Investigation

What are Criminal Tax Investigations?


HMRC reserves Criminal Tax Investigations for severe cases to deter tax evasion or when taxpayer behavior is egregious.




These investigations are managed by HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service's specialist criminal team.



  • Criminal tax investigations are rare but carry severe consequences, including potential imprisonment rather than just financial penalties.


Selection Criteria:

  • Nature of the Offence: High levels of document falsification, materially false statements, or conspiracy.

  • Involvement in Organized Crime: Offences like organized Tax Credit frauds, missing trader VAT frauds, and "carousel" frauds.

  • Person Involved: Individuals in positions of trust (e.g., accountants, tax advisers, solicitors, barristers, doctors) are more likely to face prosecution.


Investigation Process:

  • Investigations follow procedures from The Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), including recorded interviews under police caution.

  • Raids and searches at business and private premises are common to gather evidence for court use.


Fraud Investigation Service (Civil)


Civil Investigations:

  • These investigations may occur if HMRC fails to secure a criminal prosecution but believes tax evasion occurred.

  • The aim is to reach a civil financial settlement when there is insufficient evidence for a criminal case.


Importance of Specialist Advice:

It's crucial to seek specialist tax investigation advice if contacted by HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service to avoid escalation to criminal investigation.


How We Can Help


Expert Representation:

  • Criminal tax investigations are the most serious HMRC investigations, with significant implications for your personal and professional life.

  • Proper representation is essential. We specialise in handling HMRC tax investigations.

Strategies and Defence:

  • We advocate for civil resolution of the investigation, aiming to demonstrate that HMRC’s concerns are not as serious as initially thought.

  • Successfully reclassifying cases from criminal to civil can prevent criminal charges and reduce penalties.

Legal Coordination:

  • If criminal charges proceed, we recommend and collaborate with experienced legal advisors to ensure robust defence.

  • Our team works closely with legal representatives to provide comprehensive professional support and increase the chances of acquittal.


Why Choose Us


  • Specialist Knowledge: Extensive experience in tax investigations, including dealing with ex-HMRC inspectors.

  • Successful Track Record: Proven success in negotiating with HMRC to reclassify investigations from criminal to civil.

  • Comprehensive Support: From initial consultation to full representation, we provide the expertise and support needed to navigate complex tax investigations.


If you are under HMRC Criminal Tax Investigation, contact us for a free, confidential, and no-obligation discussion. We offer an initial free-of-charge meeting to understand your case and determine how we can assist you.

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